

At Sweets by Alexandria, it’s about more than just cupcakes- Our bakery was built on a love for sweets, a desire to foster community, and a passion for spreading joy throughout the world, with every bite. All of our sweets are made fresh and made from locally-sourced/organic ingredients wherever possible. We are dedicated to quality, unique flavors that WOW you, and always going above and beyond for our customers. 

My name is Alexandria Marrow. Inspired by my Easy Bake Oven, I started baking at the age of four years old. As I grew older, the Food Network became my best friend. I would watch it daily for hours on end. I knew one thing was for sure and that was that I had found something I really enjoyed and it was baking. One thing I love about it is that it always feels a little bit indulgent, a little bit unnecessary. I don’t have to bake anything, but when I do, it’s because I want to devote my time to making myself or someone else happy. Simply making that decision feels like a gift. It is a communal experience. Usually we don’t make a whole cake or batch of cupcakes just for ourselves. (OK, fine. Sometimes I bake cupcakes just for myself.) Instead, we tend to embark on baking with the intention of sharing what we're making with the ones we love. We share with coworkers, with friends, or with someone who's simply having a bad day...pretty much anyone who will indulge our need to make treats and give them to people. Knowing that what you’ve created is making the world a little more joyful, even if just for a moment, is one of the fuzziest, most magical feelings there is.